adat-visszaállításAdatvédelemBiztonsági mentési stratégiacyber attackHelyreállítási tervPlatformok közötti centralizált biztonsági mentésRansomwareVállalati
Mi a zsarolóvírus? Támadások megértése és védelmi stratégiák a szervezetek számára.
What is ransomware? Ransomware is malicious software whose primary goal is to infect the victim's computer or system, encrypt files, or lock down the entire system. The attackers then demand a ransom from the victim in exchange for providing the decryption key or unlocking tool. Typical methods of ransomware attacks include malicious email attachments, malicious web pages, or exploiting system vulnerabilities to gain access to a victim's computer system. After successful infection, it starts encrypting your files, making them inaccessible and displaying a ransom demand. Such demands are usually bound by a deadline, if the ransom is not paid