tag: felhőalapú tárolás
Egyébkönnyű hozzáférés a fájlokhoznincs előfizetési költségnyilvános felhő alternatívaprivát felhőteljes adatellenőrzés
BeeStation vs. DiskStation: Privát felhő még egyszerűbb
Our priority is the needs of our users, which are constantly changing. Just a decade ago, NAS systems were a rarity in private households, but today they are widespread - especially among IT-savvy users. However, the amount of data for each individual is growing more and more. The public is now more aware that sensitive data should not be carelessly outsourced to the cloud, and that hard drives can fail. Data loss is not only annoying, but also costly. Similarly, public cloud services often prove to be expensive in the long run and do not provide the data protection hoped