CloudData ProtectionProductivityStorageRecapReliability
A quick look back at 2019
One of our most important goals in 2019 was “reliability.” To get there, we changed many of our internal development policies and methods. Let’s take a brief look back at what we did, and a sneak peek at what's coming in 2020. DSM We made eight releases1 in 2019, a significantly lower amount than in previous years. It isn’t a sign that we’re slowing down development but instead reflects our new focus on reliability. We adopted a slower update cadence to allow more time for additional rounds of internal testing. Stages a typical DSM update goes through: Automated In-Development Testing
Data ProtectionStorageSynology 2019
Everything you need to know about Synology 2019
Synology 2019 annual event has already come and gone, but there’s plenty to catch up on, with Synology unveiling a variety of new products and sharing market trends for the future. Featuring smart, streamlined, and solid, Synology 2019 invited users to bear witness to how our household- and enterprise-level solutions offer a simple management experience while taking stability to new heights at the same time. Let’s see what the future holds for Synology and what’s in store for our users. The all-inclusive solutions center around storage, off-site backup, networking technology, and cloud services, including DiskStation Manager 7.0 (DSM 7.0) that
Video surveillance: How to choose the right storage
Cloud vs. onsite surveillance isn’t as hard a choice as you think. We’ve all been there. An Amazon package mysteriously disappears. A stranger came knocking on your door late at night. Assets got stolen from a shop. Surveillance is a universal need. When it comes to selecting a surveillance solution, much of the discussion revolves around which camera to buy, while storing surveillance footage is often overlooked. But, if the recording isn’t available when you need it, what good is the surveillance system at all? There are a few different data storage options for surveillance, from cloud storage to local
Surveillance cameras can serve as more than just security
Schedule recording is one of the most commonly used features for home surveillance. Users schedule the camera to record only at night or during their time out of the house. Recordings will be marked in green when motion is detected, so it’s easier to identify certain events. This is probably the most general purpose of deploying the surveillance system at home and it has helped tens of thousands of users identify a lot of home security breaches. Another common scenario is using Surveillance Station to comfort you if you have hired a caregiver taking care of someone at home. Simply deploy